Grace Neighbourhood Nursery provides full and sessional care for up to 50 children daily aged between 3 months and 5 years. Children can attend for the full day between 8am to 6pm. We also provide half day care (8am- 1pm or 1pm – 6pm) for children aged 2 years and over only. It is a minimum of 2 sessions per week.
Free Early Learning Places for 2, 3 and 4 year olds.
We offer 15 hours free early learning places which are available for all three and four year olds. Your child qualifies for this the term after their 3rd birthday.
30 hours free early learning places for three and four year olds are available for those who qualify between 8am till 6pm.
We also offer free early learning places for two year olds, visit your nearest Children Centre or contact your Families Information Service to see if you qualify.
To check eligibility for 30 hours and other help with childcare costs, click the link below:
Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Free Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK
Admissions Criteria
1. Availability of spaces taking into account the staff/child ratios, the age of the child and the child and the registration requirements.
2. Where the child lives – Children in the Sure Start area will be given priority over others.
3. Children attending Boxgrove Nursery will have extended day care (wrap around) from the Neighbourhood Nursery. When the application is received (extra weight is given to those who have been on the waiting list and living in the Sure Start Area). Children who qualify for 30 hours free childcare can also do the full 30 hours at Grace Nursery subject to availability. Parents need to renew their 30 hour code every 3 months.
4. Extenuating circumstances affecting the child’s welfare of his/her family.
5. Children who are siblings of those already with us.
We have no intention now or in the future of discriminating against any child on the grounds of sex, race, religion, colour, creed or disability.
Please call : 0208 310 0040