Our Parents as Partners
Parents have a very important place and role in the life of the Nursery. They are the first educators of their young children and the Nursery aims to support their valuable and essential work.
Parents and carers value the children’s learning journey records shared at consultation meetings and become familiar with the children’s progress over time. They are kept fully informed of special events and activities through informal discussions, the parents’ and carers’ notice board and comprehensive newsletters. We operate an open door policy for Parents/Carers, they have daily opportunities to discuss their children with the keyperson both verbally and through daily reports or contact books. We use Tapestry; an online journal which enhances Parental engagement and allows you as Parents/Carers to share learning experience from your home to help Practioners have a more complete understanding of children in our care. Parents can also upload observations, make comments and photo’s/videos of their child.
We also have more formal ways of collecting information from parents through sending out questionnaires. We evaluate this information, and use the evaluation to inform our development.
Parents are encouraged to contribute to reviewing our policies and procedures.
We encourage Parents to accompany us on trips and organise an annual outing every summer with them.
Ofsted Official is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They inspect and regulate services which care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages.
Welcome To
Grace Neighbourhood Nursery
Grace Neighbourhood Nursery is committed to providing high quality Childcare and Education for children aged 3 months – 5 years so they have the best start in life.
We provide a safe, stimulating, well resourced environment with committed Early Years Practioners to enable every child to reach their maximum potential.
We place great emphasis on the relationship we have with our Parents as we value them as Partners in their Children’s learning and development.
The Nursery
Grace Neighbourhood Nursery was established and registered in 2005.
The Nursery operates from a purpose built building which is shared with the Sure Start Children’s Centre, in the grounds of Boxgrove Primary School Abbeywood, in the Royal London Borough of Greenwich. It is registered by Ofsted on the Early Years Register.
Grace Nursery is open from 7.30am – 6pm Monday – Friday. We are registered for no more than 50 children daily in the early years age group.
There is a disability access to the building.
3months – 2 years – Ladybird Room
The separate self-contained baby room has a sleep room and kitchen. The Room also has its own outside play area.
2 years to 3years (Caterpillars) and 3 years to 5 years (Butterflies) Room.
They all use a large group room which has separate curriculum areas laid out. All the children have access to a fully enclosed outdoor play area, a sensory room, a fully operational Forest school and a quiet room. The Nursery provides support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, and those who speak English as an additional language.
Closures and Holidays
We are closed on all Bank holidays and on Christmas day up until New Year’s Day. We are also closed for 4 days in the year for Staff training. Refer to the closure dates tab on the website to see current dates.